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Infrared contol problems!


Something to look out for in BluRay players or any other I/R remote controlled product -

I have recently had an inquiry from a customer who was complaining that his one week old BluRay player would suddenly forward chapters or pause for some unknown reason. When we bench tested his BluRay, we found no issues what so ever but a quick service call showed that the BluRay player was faulting due to interference from the energy saving lamps he was using in the room. At some stage they would transmit Infrared red data on the same wavelength as the player and was causing the the BluRay player to forward tracks or pause for no reason.

I have known natural sun light reflected from objects in the room and redirected to the BluRay player did cause similar problems.

This would also apply to most I/R controlled equipment eg. DVD players, CD players etc.

Another experience with Infrared was when i was getting feedback from a celebrant who was performing an outdoor wedding, he could not get the CD player on the portable PA unit to function with the remote control as the sunlight completely washed out the infrared signal from the remote control to the PA CD player.

So next time you have a similar problem, just keep this in mind.

Thanks for reading, keep tuned for more experiences!

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